Brinch is all about bringing customers to a place (concert, store, museum…) and enriching their in-store experience. Brinch is a cloud platform, integrated with mobile application through SDK (iOS, Android).
This Application by contact with beacons placed in physical locations, giving customers new ways of interaction with their users and data collection, brings real time analytics from the offline world.
Brinch is an innovate solution based on iBeacon & BLE technologies, to enrich customers’ experience. The solution uses customized mobile app to communicate with smartphones to support sales & marketing. The main goal of the Brinch is to use proximity to change the way people shop and create whole new shopping experience. Thanks to iBeacon technology Brinch is able to interact with clients according to their behaviour and shopping preferences; e.g. sending customized offers based on the previous activity of the client. Brinch is also a powerful customer experience analytics tool – based on data gathered from the offline, we’re able to conduct multidimensional analysis of the customers’ preferences and their profiles
Platforma Brinch to rozwiązanie, które zmienia doświadczenia Klientów sklepów, a jednocześnie wspiera procesy sprzedaży i pozwala lepiej poznać zachowania i nawyki Klientów. Dzięki zastosowaniu beaconów, Brinch oferuje Klientom możliwość tworzenia spersonalizowanych ofert i staje się swoistym “asystentem klienta” w przestrzeni sklepowej.
Nagroda przyznana z uwagi na dostrzeganą synergię ofertową z usługami Orange na rynku B2B oraz możliwość rozszerzenia oferty dla wspólnego klienta.